viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

Código Python a Diagrama UML - Ingeniería Inversa - Reverse engineer Python source code into UML diagrams

 Código Python a Diagrama UML - Ingeniería Inversa - Reverse engineer Python source code into UML diagrams


Reverse engineer Python source code into UML diagrams

Free Open Source
Community Edition

Toggle between UML,
Ascii art UML and PlantUML views

Document and
understand your projects


Import Python

Reverse engineer Python source code
into UML class diagrams. 


Edit and layout the diagrams.
Add and delete classes and associations.

Python smarts

The only UML tool that recognises Python instance attributes (not just class attributes)

Innovative use of colour

Automatically colour sibling subclasses
to enhance understanding

Ascii UML

Ascii Art UML view!  Yep.  Copy and paste pure text UML into your source code.

Python 3

Python 3 and Python 2
syntax support. Now includes type annotations.


Add comment notes.
You know, those cute yellow post-its. :-)


Save time by automatically laying out diagrams.
Layout algorithms animate, overlap avoidance.


Print and Print preview.
Save PlantUML images.


PlantUML view.  Render amazing looking diagrams using internet based PlantUML service.

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