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All the predefined mathematical symbols from the TEX package are listed below. More symbols are available from extra packages.
Greek letters
Greek lettersSymbol | LATEX | Symbol | LATEX |
and  | \Alpha and \alpha | and  | \Nu and \nu | and  | \Beta and \beta | and  | \Xi and \xi | and  | \Gamma and \gamma | and  | \Omicron and \omicron | and  | \Delta and \delta | , and  | \Pi, \pi and \varpi | , and  | \Epsilon, \epsilon and \varepsilon | , and  | \Rho, \rho and \varrho | and  | \Zeta and \zeta | , and  | \Sigma, \sigma and \varsigma | and  | \Eta and \eta | and  | \Tau and \tau | , and  | \Theta, \theta and \vartheta | and  | \Upsilon and \upsilon | and  | \Iota and \iota | , , and  | \Phi, \phi and \varphi | , and  | \Kappa, \kappa and \varkappa | and  | \Chi and \chi | and  | \Lambda and \lambda | and  | \Psi and \psi | and  | \Mu and \mu | and  | \Omega and \omega |
Archaic Greek lettersSymbol | LATEX |
 | \Digamma |  | \digamma |
Unary operators
Relation operators
Relation operatorsSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | < | is less than |  | > | is greater than |  | \nless | is not less than |  | \ngtr | is not greater than |  | \leq | is less than or equal to |  | \geq | is greater than or equal to |  | \leqslant | is less than or equal to |  | \geqslant | is greater than or equal to |  | \nleq | is neither less than nor equal to |  | \ngeq | is neither greater than nor equal to |  | \nleqslant | is neither less than nor equal to |  | \ngeqslant | is neither greater than nor equal to |  | \prec | precedes |  | \succ | succeeds |  | \nprec | doesn't precede |  | \nsucc | doesn't succeed |  | \preceq | precedes or equals |  | \succeq | succeeds or equals |  | \npreceq | neither precedes nor equals |  | \nsucceq | neither succeeds nor equals |  | \ll | |  | \gg | |  | \lll | |  | \ggg | |  | \subset | is a proper subset of |  | \supset | is a proper superset of |  | \not\subset | is not a proper subset of |  | \not\supset | is not a proper superset of |  | \subseteq | is a subset of |  | \supseteq | is a superset of |  | \nsubseteq | is not a subset of |  | \nsupseteq | is not a superset of |  | \sqsubset | |  | \sqsupset | |  | \sqsubseteq | |  | \sqsupseteq | |
| Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | = | is equal to |  | \doteq | |  | \equiv | is equivalent to |  | \approx | is approximately |  | \cong | is congruent to |  | \simeq | is similar or equal to |  | \sim | is similar to |  | \propto | is proportional to | or  | \neq or \ne | is not equal to |
Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | \parallel | is parallel with |  | \nparallel | is not parallel with |  | \asymp | is asymptotic to |  | \bowtie | |  | \vdash | |  | \dashv | |  | \in | is member of |  | \ni | owns, has member |  | \smile | |  | \frown | |  | \models | models |  | \notin | is not member of |  | \perp | is perpendicular with |  | \mid | divides |
Binary operators
Binary operatorsSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | \pm | plus or minus |  | \cap | set intersection |  | \diamond | |  | \oplus | |  | \mp | minus or plus |  | \cup | set union |  | \bigtriangleup | |  | \ominus | |  | \times | multiplied by |  | \uplus | multiset addition |  | \bigtriangledown | |  | \otimes | |  | \div | divided by |  | \sqcap | |  | \triangleleft | |  | \oslash | |  | \ast | asterisk |  | \sqcup | |  | \triangleright | |  | \odot | |  | \star | |  | \vee | |  | \bigcirc | |  | \circ | |  | \dagger | |  | \wedge | |  | \bullet | |  | \setminus | set difference |  | \ddagger | |  | \cdot | |  | \wr | |  | \amalg | |
Negated binary relations
Negated binary operatorsSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
or  | \neq or \ne | is not equal to |  | \notin | is not member of |  | \nless | is not less than |  | \ngtr | is not greater than |  | \nleq | is not less than or equal to |  | \ngeq | is not greater than or equal to |  | \nleqslant | |  | \ngeqslant | |  | \nleqq | |  | \ngeqq | |  | \lneq | |  | \gneq | |  | \lneqq | |  | \gneqq | |  | \lvertneqq | |  | \gvertneqq | |  | \lnsim | |  | \gnsim | |  | \lnapprox | |  | \gnapprox | |  | \nprec | does not precede |  | \nsucc | does not succeed |  | \npreceq | neither precedes nor equals |  | \nsucceq | neither succedes nor equals |  | \precneqq | |  | \succneqq | |  | \precnsim | |  | \succnsim | |  | \precnapprox | |  | \succnapprox | |  | \nsim | is not similar to |  | \ncong | is not congruent to |  | \nshortmid | |  | \nshortparallel | |  | \nmid | |  | \nparallel | is not parallel with |  | \nvdash | |  | \nvDash | |  | \nVdash | |  | \nVDash | |  | \ntriangleleft | |  | \ntriangleright | |  | \ntrianglelefteq | |  | \ntrianglerighteq | |  | \nsubseteq | |  | \nsupseteq | |  | \nsubseteqq | |  | \nsupseteqq | |  | \subsetneq | |  | \supsetneq | |  | \varsubsetneq | |  | \varsupsetneq | |  | \subsetneqq | |  | \supsetneqq | |  | \varsubsetneqq | |  | \varsupsetneqq | |
Set and/or logic notation
Geometry notationSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | \overline{\rm AB} | segment |  | \overrightarrow{\rm AB} | ray (half-line) |  | \angle | angle |  | \measuredangle | measured angle |  | \triangle | triangle |  | \square | square |  | \cong | congruent (same shape and size) |  | \ncong | not congruent |  | \sim | similar (same shape) |  | \nsim | not similar |  | \| | is parallel with |  | \nparallel | is not parallel with |  | \perp | is perpendicular to |  | \not\perp | is not perpendicular to |
DelimitersSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | | | divides |  | \| | divides unitarily, is parallel with |  | / | slash |  | \backslash | |  | ( \, | left parenthesis |  | ) \, | right parenthesis |  | [ \, | left [square] bracket | ![{\displaystyle ]\,}](https://en.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/3425a6d372a07d00682968387d0a30a2e7f1666e) | ] \, | right [square] bracket |  | \{ | left brace |  | \} | right brace |  | \langle | left angle bracket |  | \rangle | right angle bracket |  | \lceil | ceiling (left) |  | \rceil | ceiling (right) |  | \lfloor | floor (left) |  | \rfloor | floor (right) |  | \ulcorner | |  | \urcorner | |  | \llcorner | |  | \lrcorner | |
ArrowsSymbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
or  | \rightarrow or \to | |  | \Rightarrow | |  | \longrightarrow | |  | \Longrightarrow | |  | \mapsto | | | | |  | \longmapsto | | | | | or  | \leftarrow or \gets | |  | \Leftarrow | |  | \longleftarrow | |  | \Longleftarrow | |
Symbol | LATEX | Comment | Symbol | LATEX | Comment |
 | \uparrow | Knuth's up-arrow notation |  | \Uparrow | |  | \downarrow | |  | \Downarrow | |  | \updownarrow | |  | \Updownarrow | |
Other symbols
Trigonometric functions
Hyperbolic functions
The abbreviations arcsinh, arccosh, etc., are commonly used for inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions (area hyperbolic functions), even though they are misnomers, since the prefix arc is the abbreviation for arcus, while the prefix ar stands for area.Symbol | LATEX | Symbol | LATEX | Symbol | LATEX | Symbol | LATEX |
 | \sinh |  | \operatorname{arsinh} |  | \operatorname{csch} |  | \operatorname{arcsch} |  | \cosh |  | \operatorname{arcosh} |  | \operatorname{sech} |  | \operatorname{arsech} |  | \tanh |  | \operatorname{artanh} |  | \coth |  | \operatorname{arcoth} |
Sections remaining to be done: Table 3 onwards from symbols.pdf (To do) [1]
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