Guardar las siguientes 192 lineas en un archivo, por ejemplo, luego ejecutarlo en la terminal de Linux,
Luego para ejecutarlo darle punto espacio el nombre: .
echo 'Tutorial de Linux y unix con Shell'
echo 'Por: Alexander Arias'
echo 'Fecha: 2022-05-17'
echo 'Basado en parte de: Unix for the Beginning Mage A Tutorial by Joe Topjian'
echo Hello World
echo ------------ whoami
echo ------------ Print Working Directory
echo ------------
echo -- 'The tilde (~) is a nickname for your home -- weird'
echo -- "joe$ cd ~"
echo ' Change Directory -- $cd ..'
echo 'cd [path] Change Directory '
echo ------------
echo 'mkdir [name] Make Directory '
echo ------------
echo "$ ls -ls"
ls -ls
echo ------------
echo 'Con nano creo un archivo hola'
echo '$nano hola'
echo 'hola estoy con nano editor'
echo ------------
echo '$cat hola'
cat hola
echo ------------
echo 'Copying files'
echo '$cp hola hola1'
cp hola hola1
cat hola1
echo ------------
echo 'Making Folder'
echo '$makdir folder_hola'
mkdir folder_hola
echo ------------
echo 'Moving File'
echo '$mv hola1 /folder_hola/hola2'
mv hola1 folder_hola/hola2
echo '$ls folder_hola'
ls folder_hola
echo 'cat folder_hola/hola2'
cat folder_hola/hola2
echo ------------
echo 'Deleting File'
echo '$rm archivo'
echo ------------
echo 'Deleting Folder'
echo '$rmdir folder'
echo ------------
echo 'Deleting All recursive (r) and force (f)'
echo '$rm -rf'
echo ------------
echo 'Clear Terminal'
echo '$clear'
echo ------------
echo 'Historically, the very first shell was known as sh.'
echo 'You can see what shell you?re using by echoing an environment variable.'
echo '$echo $SHELL'
echo $SHELL
echo ------------
echo 'Shell History'
echo '$history'
echo ' history'
echo ' 1 history'
echo ' 2 ls'
echo ' 3 ls -ls'
echo ' 4 history'
echo ------------
echo 'Command Completion'
echo 'What if you couldn?t remember how a command was spelled, but you knew it began with ca? With command completion, you can type the letters ca then press tab twice. A list of all the commands that start with ca will appear!'
echo ------------
echo 'Customizing Your Prompt'
echo 'joe$ PS1=”My New Prompt> “'
echo 'My New Prompt>'
echo ------------
echo 'cat [file1] ([file2]).. Concatenate Sends the output of one or more files to the screen'
echo ------------
echo 'less [file] Less Allows you to read a file with many pages easily'
echo ------------
echo 'more [file] More Allows you to read a file with many pages easily'
echo ------------
echo 'Viewing Partitions'
echo '$df'
echo ------------
echo '$df -h'
echo '-h option (which stands for Human Readable)'
df -h
echo ------------
echo 'Groups'
echo '$groups'
echo ------------
echo '$ls -l'
echo '-l is another spell modifier that will show you lots of details about the files -- including the shields.'
ls -l
echo ------------
echo 'Permisos'
echo '- rwx rwx rwx'
echo 'UGO: User, Group, Other'
echo 'Owner (user) of the file, a Group, and Everyone Else (which we?ll call Other)'
echo ------------
echo 'Quitar permisos con menos -'
echo 'joe$ chmod g-w hola'
echo ------------
echo 'Asignar permisos con + mas'
echo 'ejemplos:'
echo 'joe$ chmod u+rwx hola'
echo 'joe$ chmod ugo+rx hola'
echo 'joe$ chmod u+x,g+rw,o-r shelf'
echo ------------
echo 'Using the Number Method to Place Shields on Files'
echo 'Next, you group three numbers together for a UGO combination. For example, if you wanted User to have Read and Write, Group to have Read and Execute, and Other to have Read, it would be 654. 6 = rw, 5 = rx, and 4 = r'
echo 'joe$ chmod 654 shelf'
echo ------------
echo 'Types of Files'
echo 'Letter What it is'
echo ' - Plain File'
echo ' d Directory'
echo ' l Link'
echo ' p Pipe'
echo ' b Block Device'
echo ' c Character Device'
echo ------------
echo 'ln [file1] [file2] Link Links two files together'
echo ------------
echo 'echo $PATH'
echo $PATH
echo ------------
echo 'grep'
echo ' should have been called grab since that´s what it does -- grabs text'
echo ------------
echo 'echo "HI" > hola3'
echo "HI" > hola3
echo 'cat hola3'
cat hola3
echo ------------
echo 'cat /etc/passwd'
cat /etc/passwd
echo ------------
grep runner /etc/passwd
echo ------------
echo 'Passwords'
echo 'grep runner /etc/shadow'
#grep runner /etc/shadow
echo ' error'
echo 'exit status 2'
echo ------------
echo 'to change your password in Unix'
echo 'joe$ passwd'
echo ------------
echo 'How To Become Root'
echo 'su sudo'
echo ------------
echo 'who Who Shows all mages currently in the Tower
passwd Password Changes your password'
echo 'chown Change Owner Changes the owner of a file'
echo 'su Switch User Switches you to another account'
echo 'sudo Superuser Do Allows you to run root commands'
echo ------------
echo 'Daemons (not demons!)'
echo 'Each daemon has a job to do and they only do that job. That?s it! Daemons just sit in the tower and wait until they have to do their job.'
echo ------------
echo 'Processes'
echo 'ps'
echo 'ps -a'
ps -a
echo 'ps -ax'
ps -ax
echo 'ps -aux'
ps -aux
echo ------------
echo 'background'
echo 'top &'
top &
echo 'date &'
date &
echo 'jobs in background'
echo 'jobs'
echo ------------
echo 'foreground'
#fg 2
echo ------------
echo 'Killing Processes'
echo 'joe$ kill 699'
echo ------------
echo 'su Switch User Switches you to another account'
echo 'sudo Superuser Do Allows you to run root commands'
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