miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Free Unix and Linux Shell Accounts

# freebies
free ssh access to *nix accounts

Free Unix and Linux Shell Accounts

This is an updated list of free shell providers. They are not mine and I'm only providing you with information regarding them. If you know of any, please email me and I'll add them.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for (1) anything you do with these servers or (2) if your code gets lost or (3) someone steals your code on these servers. Use them responsibly.

Picrofo - CentOS

OS: CentOS 6.5
Website: http://picrofo.com
Services: RAM: 2 GB, Processor: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2750 @ 2.40GHz, Bandwidth: 1000 Mbps
ssh command: ssh c1.linuxshell.picrofo.com

Picrofo - Ubuntu

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Website: http://picrofo.com
Services: RAM: 2 GB, Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz, Bandiwdth: 1000 Mbps
ssh command: ssh u1.linuxshell.picrofo.com

SDF Public Access UNIX System

Website: http://freeshell.org
Services: ssh and telnet, DSl/PPP/dialup access, email, usenet, chat, webspace 80MB
ssh command: ssh freeshell.org


Website: http://grex.org
Services: ssh grex.org::ssh and telnet, email, webspace 1MB
ssh command: ssh grex.org


OS: unknown
Website: http://www.nyx.net
Services: he oldest free public access ISP offers a text-based newsfeed, email, web access, lynx, webspace hosting 2MB
ssh command: telnet nyx.nyx.net


OS: Slackware
Website: http://www.aeshells.com
Services: ssh, email, webspace, irc, bitchx, eggdrop, mysql, webspace 200MB
ssh command: ssh aeshells.com


OS: FreeBSD 6.3
Website: http://www.en.free-shells.com.ar
Services: ssh, telnet, ftp, lynx, web pages, php+mysql, webmail, compile and test your programs, webspace 60MB
ssh command: ssh everest.free-shells.com.ar -p 702


OS: Debian Sarge
Website: http://debian.free-shells.com.ar
Services: ssh, telnet, ftp, lynx, web pages with ~/user, email accounts, webspace 10MB
ssh command: ssh debian.free-shells.com.ar -p 802


OS: Debian GNU/Linux (3 GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 30 Mbit upload, 2 Mbit download)
Website: http://nux.sk
Services: gcc, vim, screen, irssi, mutt, pine, mc, make, g++, ruby, python, gzip, gdb, webpages with http://nux.sk/~user, email as user@nux.sk. /home directory has 1GB
ssh command: ~temporarily down~


OS: Debian 5.0 Stable (Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz, 512MB RAM)
Website: http://www.freessh.net
Services: irssi, gcc, g++, screen, cvs, torrent
ssh command: ssh srvgam01.freessh.net


OS: CentOS [Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz]
Website: http://yunix.net
Services: Irssi, screen, psybnc, figlet, local IRC and Mordor MUD, cc/g++ version 4.1.2, gdb 6.8-27, Python 2.4.3, Perl 5.8.8, Shells: sh, bash, zsh, tcsh, csh; each user gets 40MB RAM and 10 background processes, webspace 30MB
ssh command: ssh username@yunix.net -p 666


OS: Slackware [One 663MHz Intel Pentium III Processor, 255M RAM, 1327.51 Bogomips Total]
Website: http://mrejata.eu
Services: full usenet access (read and post), console-based web browsing (lynx,links), IRC access to all networks, 2bg procesess, IRC - psybnc, eggdrop, full access to wide range of compilers, web pages with http://mrejata.org/~username, email account username@mrejata.eu
ssh command: ssh mrejata.org

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