sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

LCD con FPGA Spartan 3e VHDL

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Tutorial 6
Tutorial 6 shows how to create a design that utilizes the LCD display on the Spartan-3E starter board. Readers will learn how to adjust the timing of certain components in order to meet the requirements of the LCD display. For this tutorial the design will display "FPGA" on the LCD. The tutorial uses Xilinx ISE 10.1 and the Spartan-3E starter board.
This project was done with ISE 9.2 and ModelsimXE simulator
This project was done with ISE 10.1 and the ISE simulator

2 comentarios:

  1. hey hola, oye tengo que hacer funcionar una lcd con una Nexys2, crees que me puedasechar la mano, me falla aún el ingles

  2. Click en descargar los archivos y funcionan
