jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Reglas para Dibujar Diagramas de Bode


The table below summarizes what to do for each type of term in a Bode Plot.  This is also available as a Word Document or PDF

Term Magnitude Phase
Constant: K 20log10(|K|) K>0:  0°       
K<0:   ±180°
Pole at Origin (Integrator)
-20 dB/decade passing through 0 dB at ω=1 -90°
Zero at Origin (Differentiator)
+20 dB/decade passing through 0 dB at ω=1
(Mirror image of Integrator about 0 dB)
(Mirror image of Integrator about 0°)
Real Pole
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0 dB
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -20 dB/decade
  3. Connect lines at ω0.
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0°
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -90°
  3. Connect with a straight line from 0.1·ω0 to 10·ω0
Real Zero
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0 dB
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at +20 dB/decade
  3. Connect lines at ω0.
(Mirror image of Real Pole about 0 dB)
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0°
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at +90°
  3. Connect with a straight line from 0.1·ω0 to 10·ω0
(Mirror image of Real Pole about 0°)
Underdamped Poles (Complex conjugate poles)

  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0 dB
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -40 dB/decade
  3. If ζ<0.5, then draw peak at ω0 with amplitude
        |H(jω0)|=-20·log10(2ζ), else don't draw peak
  4. Connect lines
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0°
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -180°
  3. Connect with straight line from
You can also look in a textbook for examples
Underdamped Zeros (Complex conjugate zeros)

  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0 dB
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at +40 dB/decade
  3. If ζ<0.5, then draw peak at ω0 with amplitude
         |H(jω0)|=+20·log10(2ζ), else don't draw peak
  4. Connect lines
(Mirror image of Underdamped Pole about 0 dB)
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0°
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at +180°
  3. Connect with straight line from
You can also look in a textbook for examples.

(Mirror image of Underdamped Pole about 0°)
For multiple order poles and zeros, simply multiply the slope of the magnitude plot by the order of the pole (or zero) and multiply the high and low frequency asymptotes of the phase by the order of the system.
For example:
Second Order Real Pole
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0 dB
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -40 dB/decade
  3. Connect lines at break frequency.
-40 db/dec is used because of order of pole=2.  For a third order pole, asymptote is -60 db/dec
  1. Draw low frequency asymptote at 0°
  2. Draw high frequency asymptote at -180°
  3. Connect with a straight line from 0.1·ω0 to 10·ω0
-180° is used because order of pole=2.  For a third order pole, high frequency asymptote is at -270°.

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