viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023

Simbolos griegos en latex, applicacion en linea para reconocimiento de simbolos, los escribes con dibujo y el los clasifica y da el código

Simbolos griegos en latex, applicacion en linea para reconocimiento de simbolos, los escribes con dibujo y el los clasifica y da el código


  • Score: 0.15436020487365543
    \usepackage{ upgreek }
  • Score: 0.160186668858463
  • Score: 0.16799944611420442
  • Score: 0.16903513823313335
    \usepackage{ upgreek }
  • Score: 0.1833199472514366
    \usepackage{ upgreek }
The symbol is not in the list? Show more

Want a Mac app?

Lucky you. The Mac app is finally stable enough. See how it works on Vimeo. Download the latest version here.

Restriction: In addition to the LaTeX command the unlicensed version will copy a reminder to purchase a license to the clipboard when you select a symbol.

You can purchase a license here: Buy Detexify for Mac

If you need help contact

What is this?

Anyone who works with LaTeX knows how time-consuming it can be to find a symbol in symbols-a4.pdf that you just can't memorize. Detexify is an attempt to simplify this search.

How do I use it?

Just draw the symbol you are looking for into the square area above and look what happens!

My symbol isn't found!

The symbol may not be trained enough or it is not yet in the list of supported symbols. In the first case you can do the training yourself. In the second case just drop me a line (! I am rewriting parts right now and training isn't functional in this version.

I like this. How can I help?

You could spare some time training Detexify. You could also look at the source of the frontend and backend on Github. If you really, really like this you can also donate.

The backend server is running on Digital Ocean (referral link) so you can also reduce my hosting costs by using that referral link.

Why should I donate?

Hosting of detexify costs some money. If Detexify helps you, you might want to help cover these costs.

This doesn't work at all!?

Be sure you use a modern browser. A recent version of Chrome or Firefox should do the trick.

Do you support Unicode?

No. Have a look at for Unicode.

I am a researcher. Can I use Detexify's training data?


Who created Detexify?

Philipp Kühl had the initial idea and Daniel Kirsch made it happen.

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