viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Permitir al root usar ssh linux - Allow root account to use SSH (openssh)

Allow root account to use SSH (openssh)

by on November 2, 2006 · 7 comments· last updated at January 27, 2007
Q. Previous admin blocked root access to ssh server. How do I allow root account access to ssh server?
A. Allowing direct root access over ssh is a security risk. However following steps will allow you to login as root over ssh session:
Open sshd_config file:
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find out line that read as follows:
PermitRootLogin no
Set it as follows:
PermitRootLogin yes
Find out line that read as follows (this line may not exists in your configuration):
DenyUsers root user2 user3
Set is as follows:
DenyUsers user2 user3
Save and close the file. Restart the sshd:
# /etc/init.d/ssh restart

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