martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Programming and Simulation Tools LabVIEW Matlab Visual Studio

Programming and Simulation Tools


LabVIEW can be installed and used on your personal computer. USN students will find LabVIEW Serial Number in Fronter.
LabVIEW Basics
Here are some other useful resources: LabVIEW Resources (Download Software, Training, Videos, Code Examples, Exercises, etc.)


MATLAB can be installed and used on your personal computer. USN students will find the MATLAB Activation Key in Fronter.
Here are some other useful resources: MATLAB Resources (Download Software, Training, Videos, Code Examples, Exercises, etc.)

Visual Studio/C#

Visual Studio Enterprise can be downloaded for free from Microsoft Imagine, which is available for USN students. You can download Visual Studio Community for free from Internet.
Introduction to Visual Studio and C#

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